About Us

Founding Organizations:

Kina gdi-gwendaagininaanig - To All Our Relatives is the result of a partnership between the Sacred Water Circle (www.sacredwatercircle) and For Our Grandchildren – Peterborough (www.4RG.org)

The Sacred Water Circle has been active in Peterborough and area for several years.  They are Inspired by Indigenous teachings and with spiritual courage, they seek to restore a relationship between human communities and water.

The Sacred Water Circle seeks to create dialogue around spiritually-based environmental issues, and to motivate communities and governments to act to set policy that will protect our water, by leading with prayer and walking together.   "Nga-zhidchige nbi onji" ~ "I will do it for the water”  

Gchi-Nbi Water Circle 4RG For Our Grandchildren

For Our Grandchildren began work in Peterborough in 2013 with a mandate to inform, motivate and act to stop climate change.  They have been instrumental in building political and general awareness about multiple climate crisis issues among varying communities within the Peterborough region. 4RG has worked hard to build meaningful Reconciliation activities and has sponsored other participatory educational events based on the climate crisis such as health, investments, all-candidates meetings at three government levels, …...

In the process of developing this website, 4RG has collaborated with other local organizations, particularly Localizing the LEAP, a Peterborough collaborative response organization supporting an analysis of sustainability through interdependent economic, social, environmental and cultural issues – essential for today and tomorrow. The latest iteration of LEAP is the Green New Deal, an international approach to building support for the essential, systemic changes needed to survive the climate crisis.  Our guiding vision is that we must care for the earth and each other.


We have learned in this work that many voices make better music.  As a result, we have searched out the best folk with unique skills and strong voices to work on this project.  

Bruce McFarlane is the web-designer who kept us focused on what needed to be done to make Kina gdi-gwendaagininaanig - To All Our Relatives function effectively.  In real life, he is part farmer – goats and organic vegetables, part activist for climate justice and human rights issues, and a volunteer fire-person in his local village of Warsaw.

Linda Conway is a retired teacher who uses every activity as an opportunity to learn and teach whether it be through her commitment to theatre, cohousing, Amnesty or Kina gdi-gwendaagininaanig - To All Our Relatives Website as well as to Reconciliation events.  We appreciate her organizational and ‘detail’ skills, and her environmental commitment which has motivated students in two counties and community members since the 1970s.

Trish Campbell, a retired community worker, is a 4RG executive member with energy and commitment to climate crisis issues.  She has worked on Reconciliation and social justice issues including anti-poverty and housing rights for several years and understands the need to ensure that climate issues involve more than weather.  She is also a member of the Peterborough Alliance on Climate Action (PACA) and believes the Green New Deal is essential for the earth.  She brings that awareness to this project.  

Gayl Hutchison is a counsellor and advocate for people with degenerative diseases such as MS and Parkinsons.  She continues to provide active connections and support for people with disabilities. She has been active with cohousing where she sits on the finance committee, bringing her common-sense and practical mind to matters of importance to that group.  Gayl is also enjoying her retirement through travel, grandchildren and working on climate and related issues.

Alan Slavin retired from Trent U. Physics teaching and research and has spent the last few years researching the climate crisis.  He is a valuable resource for the whole community of activists on the C.C. issues, including city hall.  Alan writes letters to the editor and columns  to put and keep climate chaos on the agenda. He is an executive member of 4RG, a member of Peterborough Alliance on Climate Action (PACA) and was part of the committee which developed the Climate Action Plan for the City of Peterborough.

Linda Slavin is a community activist having worked through the Kawartha World Issues Centre and independently to examine gender issues, anti-racism and anti-oppression, human rights, international development, Reconciliation, peace and eco-economics over 40 years. She is currently a member of the Peterborough Sustainability Coordinating Committee, the 4RG executive and PACA.  During the last municipal election, she helped produce a report card and voting information on a Sustainable Peterborough – a model for the Green New Deal.